
Posts Tagged ‘chatting’

This is supposed to be some kind of mascot for Twitter or something. I think his name is Hopkins or something.

This is supposed to be some kind of mascot for Twitter or something. I think his name is "Hopkins".

…why I should start a twitter account and start tweeting. I don’t know, I just don’t feel it is necessary to tell people what I’m doing all the time or even a little of the time or even once a day. Am I getting old? Probably I am, but that’s not the answer. I don’t know anybody (personally) who uses Twitter. It’s all the rage right now. I can’t imagine anybody being interested in “Going to Kroger’s for some milk.” I have a blog, obviously, a couple of websites, a Flickr account, a myspace I never use or check, and countless e-mail addresses. Twitter can wait.

Twitter looks like a huge text messaging party line. Nothing interesting is being said even by interesting people. Paul Potts, blogged about him earlier, had a tweet that said, “Just landed in Philadelphia.” Now, if that was him, and it might have really been, that’s just boring. At least tell us something like, “Just landed in Philadelphia and police frisked me for a toothbrush then asked me for my autograph, but I said no and got arrested for rudeness.” See – better.

I try to blog daily, at least every other day, because it’s fun and a creative, relaxing outlet for me AND because various people have told me they read it and enjoy it. Having all these multimedia “things” I’m involved in seems like I’m not private, but I actually am private. I just blog about general stuff, nothing very personal.

Tweeting for me would be like the following faux-tweets…

Got to work on time this morning. | Just had a cup of coffee. | Watching Fox news. | Had lunch. | Teaching. | Had dinner. | Going to bed now.

Who wants to read that? I don’t even want to type that. And that would be every day.

End of line.

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